Inclusive School Hebbelplatz

Inclusive School Hebbelplatz is located in the 10th district of Vienna. Our school specialises in special needs education. There are eleven classes at our location. Our pupils are between six and 15 years old. The student population reflects the schools surrounding. Our pupils speak 22 different languages and also originate from 22 different countries.
We have students with and without special needs in our school. Therefore we offer all curricula that are common in the Austrian school system. These include the pre-chool curriculum, primary school curriculum, compulsary secondary-school curriculum, special-needs-school curriculum and curriculum for special educational needs. Our preschool classes are special classes, which offer a particular setting to prepare our pupils for grade one. In our „Starting Class“ our pupils get specific support for fundamental learning, in our „Beginners Class“ our pupils with autism spectrum disorders are getting prepared for the school routine. Our „Family Class“ is designed for children in primary school. The „Advanced Training Course“ involves secondary education 1. Our main goal is to support all our students to graduate from school and to prepare them for the job market. That is why we also offer vocational counselling in 8th grade with our specifically trained Jobcoach. Our school focuses on nutrition and housekeeping, movement and sports; since 2021/22 we also offer an emphasis on digital education.

The majority of our teachers has a qualification at special needs school or had an emphasis on inclusion during their teacher training. We get on-site support from a support teacher for children with problems in the social and emotional development and from diversity managers who assist our children with disabilities. Most of our pupils need support in the field of learning. Furthermore we teach children with autism, impaired hearing, language problems or psychological problems. We want to offer all children a place where they can fulfil their potential at their own pace and according to their talents.


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